July 31, 2015

99 Cent Escape, Volume 3 Bonus!
The brand new Escape, Volume 3 radio set is only 99 cents through August 13th, when you place any order for $25 or more.
* Select $25.00 or more worth of merchandise and add it to your shopping cart
* Now add Escape, Volume 3 to your shopping cart as well.
* When you are ready to check-out, type the code 99CentCD into the Coupon Code box to get your special pricing on the Audio CD set or type 99CentDownload into the Coupon Code box for the download version.
(Limit one 99 Cent bonus per customer.)
Volume 3

"...designed to free you from the four walls of today for a half-hour of high adventure..."
Escape never received the lavish attention afforded to Suspense but, from July 7, 1947 to September 25, 1954, it managed to transcend its mostly network-sustained origins and provide top-quality entertainment. Occasionally a celebrity would appear in a leading role - Victor Mature, Edmond O'Brien, Vincent Price - but for the most part Escape relied on the tried-and-true veterans of "Radio Row," outstanding performers like Elliott Lewis, Jeanette Nolan, Jack Webb, Lillian Buyeff, Hans Conried, Vivi Janiss, Harry Bartell and Georgia Ellis, to name just a few. Distinguished veterans like William N. Robson and Norman Macdonnell oversaw the production and direction, and exceptional scripts were provided by the likes of Les Crutchfield, John Dunkel, Gil Doud, E. Jack Neumann and Kathleen Hite. Week in and week out, Escape demonstrated that it was truly an outstanding and memorable show...even if it was lacking that "Hollywood gloss" that attracted big-money sponsorship.
While stories of mystery and crime were the bailiwick of Suspense, Escape concentrated more on tales of high adventure — war, westerns, supernatural horror and science-fiction. Esteemed authors like Rudyard Kipling, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Arthur Conan Doyle, H.G. Wells, and Joseph Conrad provided much of the source material for the program, setting Escape apart from most of the other dramatic anthologies on the air at the time.
Escape featured one of radio's most memorable openings, with either William Conrad or Paul Frees intoning: "Tired of the everyday grind? Ever dream of a life of romantic adventure? Want to get away from it all? We offer you...ESCAPE!" The orchestra would then strike up Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain" and, within seconds, the listener would be transported to a Caribbean jungle or to an icy glacier, effectively putting them in the shoes of that episode's protagonist.
6 hours - $8.99 Download / $17.98 Audio CDs
16" Transcription Discs
The unsold discs from the May 2nd Broadway Records Auction have been added. These discs will be sold on a first come basis for the minimum bid. Browse through hundreds of UNSOLD transcription discs from recent Broadway Records disc auctions. Sold by Broadway Records.
by Frederick C. Davis writing as Curtis Steele
Read by Milton Bagby

A powerful army of invasion — armed with the most ghastly modern weapons: bacteria, plagues, hideous diseases — lay carefully hidden within the borders of the United States, ready to strike at the heart of the nation, to kill, pillage, demolish... A foreign demagogue, mad-drunk with power, greed, and lust, planned the slaughter of a million helpless men and women, to sate his twisted, race-proud ambition. Belligerent nations watched and waited, sighting America helpless before them. One man — Operator #5 — read the crimson writing on the wall — and he alone was left to battle the frightful odds!
From out of the pages of Operator #5 magazine steps a dramatic hero who pits himself against threats to national security from all origins. Whether it’s a subversive internal threat, or a full-scale invasion from an enemy land, James Christopher stood ready and resolute to defeat it.
James Christopher did not technically belong to the U. S. Secret Service. He was a top agent for an America’s unnamed Intelligence Service. It was in his blood. His father, John Christopher, retired from the same agency years before. Answerable only to his superior, Z-7, and carrying a letter from the President of the United States identifying him as Operator #5, Jimmy Christopher played for keeps. He carried a rapier sewn into his belt, and in a golden skull hanging from his watch-chain was a reservoir of poison to be taken in the event of capture.
Aided by a small group of trusted assistants, ranging from his twin sister Nan to scrappy street urchin Tim Donovan, Jimmy Christopher was a one-man defense force. Proud and patriotic, expert marksman and swordsman, he is the best America has to offer in a time of severe trial.
Invasion of the Dark Legion is read with stirring intensity by Milton Bagby. Originally published in the October, 1934 issue of Operator #5 magazine.
5 hours - $9.99 Download / $19.98 Audio CDs
by James Clay
Read by Milton Bagby

A Black Horse Western
Rance Dehner, an operative for the Lowrie Detective Agency, pursues a wanted killer to the small town of Hardin, Texas. After bringing down the killer in a gunfight, Dehner discovers the gunslick was in town to murder Leona Carson, a penniless 14-year-old girl with a baby.
Dehner cannot understand why anyone would employ a gun for hire to kill Leona, and finding the answer to that question throws him into a whirlwind of violent encounters. Soon he must dodge bullets from an onslaught of professional killers, while uncovering the shameful secrets of Hardin’s leading citizens.
5 hours - $9.99 Download / $19.98 Audio CDs

James Clay I consider myself blessed to have been a kid at a time when, while there was a TV in the house, radio's "golden age" hadn't totally vanished. Hopalong Cassidy and The Lone Ranger came at me through both mediums. I devoured Fran Striker's Lone Ranger novels and wish those fine books were easily available today.
About the time I began reading Ray Hogan and Lewis Patten, I noticed a difference in the radio and TV versions of Gunsmoke. Radio's Dodge City was a much darker place. Both versions gave me some early lessons in story telling.
I toiled for years as a literary agent, but my heart remained in the old West. I began writing western novels to prove I didn't always have to live off the work of other people. Playing cowboy is one of the few skills I have honed well.
I remain blessed. I have a wonderful wife and two cats, all of whom are very patient with me. I now write westerns full time and enjoy reading other western writers, both past and present. And yes, the radio and TV versions of Gunsmoke are still giving me lessons in story telling.
The Master of Darkness uncovers hidden evil in the quiet New Jersey town of Northdale in two classic pulp thrillers by Walter B. Gibson writing as "Maxwell Grant." First, the wail of the banshee signals "Crime at Seven Oaks" until The Shadow unleashes a giant Great Dane named Vulcan to bring a hidden killer to justice! Then in "The Northdale Mystery", Lamont Cranston returns to Northdale with Margo Lane to investigate the mystery of a bizarre bank robbery and the puzzling distruction of the stolen funds. This deluxe pulp reprint showcases both original color pulp covers by Graves Gladney and George Rozen and the original interior illustrations by Earl Mayan and Paul Orban, with new commentary by popular culture historian Will Murray and a special tribute to man's best friend. Double Novel Reprint $14.95
The pulps' greatest superman returns in action-packed thrillers by Lester Dent and William G. Bogart writing as "Kenneth Robeson." First, eerie bolts of blue lightning electrocute a series of wealthy men, whose only connection is their last name, Smith! What is the strange secret of "The Boss of Terror"? Then, the Man of Bronze and his Iron Men journey to "The Magic Forest" after Renny's plane disappears in the Alaskan wilderness. This deluxe pulp reprint showcases the classic color pulp covers by Emery Clarke, and also features the original interior illustrations by Paul Orban and historical commentary by Will Murray, author of fifteen Doc Savage novels. Double Novel Reprint $14.95
The pulps' greatest superman returns in action-packed thrillers by Lester Dent and William G. Bogart writing as "Kenneth Robeson." First, eerie bolts of blue lightning electrocute a series of wealthy men, whose only connection is their last name, Smith! What is the strange secret of "The Boss of Terror"? Then, the Man of Bronze and his Iron Men journey to "The Magic Forest" after Renny's plane disappears in the Alaskan wilderness. This deluxe pulp reprint showcases the classic color pulp covers by James Bama, and also features the original interior illustrations by Paul Orban and historical commentary by Will Murray, author of fifteen Doc Savage novels. Double Novel Reprint $14.95
The Pulps' most bloodthirsty crimebuster battles super-villains in two action-packed thrillers by Norvell Page writing as "Grant Stockbridge." First, the "Darkness" falls upon New York, turning the metropolis into a "City of Flaming Shadows." The Spider singlehandedly battles to save a populace praying for his destruction! Then, the Spider is blamed for the crimes of a deadly double, while he struggles to save the city from an epidemic of poison death perpetrated by the "King of the Fleshless Legion" This double novel pulp reprint showcases the original color covers by John Newton Howitt, John Fleming Gould's classic interior illustrations and historical commentary by Will Murray. Double Novel Reprint $14.95
by Will Murray and Lester Dent, writing as Kenneth Robeson, cover illustration by Joe DeVito
When millionaire Lamont Cranston and attorney Ham Brooks are kidnapped by gunmen driving a black hearse, it spells trouble for Doc Savage. Trouble with compound interest when Cranston’s personal lawyer is mysteriously murdered before he can consult with celebrated criminologist George Clarendon—who is secretly The Shadow!
These strange events put the Man of Bronze and the Dark Avenger on a collision course that threatens to expose the deepest secrets of both supermen. The conflict intensifies when underworld figure Cliff Marsland is captured and shipped off to Doc’s secret Crime College!
Will these legendary crimefighters join forces—or will the diabolical Funeral Director have the last laugh on Doc Savage and The Shadow? Softcover $24.95
by Will Murray, cover illustration by Joe DeVito
With the African continent engulfed by World War II, John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, abandons his role as Lord of the Jungle in order to combat the spreading Nazi menace.
Flying a P40 Tomahawk warplane, Clayton is sent on his first mission: to rescue the missing British Military Intelligence officer code-named Ilex. But the daring task plunges him into his savage past after he’s forced down in a lost land that seems hauntingly familiar.
When Tarzan of the Apes returns to the prehistoric realm called Pal-ul-don, he must revert to his most savage persona, that of Tarzan-jad-guru—Tarzan the Terrible! Softcover $24.95

More OTR LPs have just been listed and 283 OTR LPs have been lowered in price today.
Prices as low as $10 for 5 LPs this week.
12" LP Vinyl Records
Radio Archives is selling off a collection of 689 OTR 12" LP Vinyl Records. These are being sold in groups of 5 records per group over the next several months. The main exception is Group #80 which has the 17 LP boxed set of Shadow radio shows.
Each group has a scan of the front and back covers of the five records. No other listing or description is available.
The quality of the records is excellent and most have been played only once. A few are still shrink wrapped and have never been played. Plays on any standard record player.
We are starting the pricing at $50 per group, which is $10 per record. Every two weeks when the newsletter is sent out, the price of all unsold groups will be lowered by $5 or $1 per record. There are now groups selling for $45, $40, $35, $30, $25, $20, $15 and $10.
During the 1970s and 1980s these records were fairly easy to acquire. Every year they are becoming rarer and harder to find. This collection contains most of the OTR records that were issued.
Quanities are limited. Wait for the price to drop but don't wait too long and let someone else buy your favorite Old Time Radio LP.
Comments From Our Customers!
Richard McLeod writes:
I listen to a radio show and they offer their CD's, but from all I have purchased over the years, none have surpassed the quality of CD's put out through Radio Archives. I ordered the set you have from the Mercury Theater on the Air. I have a set from Ebay but the quality is just not what you put out.
I listen to a radio show and they offer their CD's, but from all I have purchased over the years, none have surpassed the quality of CD's put out through Radio Archives. I ordered the set you have from the Mercury Theater on the Air. I have a set from Ebay but the quality is just not what you put out.
Elizabeth Minney writes:
I'm really pleased to learn that you have such an extensive collection of the Chandu series. Tom Collins is superb as Chandu and the others in the cast are great! Thank you for having this bonus selection each month -- you spoil us!
I'm really pleased to learn that you have such an extensive collection of the Chandu series. Tom Collins is superb as Chandu and the others in the cast are great! Thank you for having this bonus selection each month -- you spoil us!
If you'd like to share a comment with us or if you have a question or a suggestion send an email to Service@RadioArchives.com. We'd love to hear from you!
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